Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from our bat and Princess Sofia the first. 

How does a diabetic do Halloween?

I dunno, how does your kid? Yep. Mine too ;) Ollie was content to have 2 pieces of candy tonight after Trick or Treating.. he picked them out himself and got a Reese Cup (kid after my own heart) and a bag of Cheetos. <3 He had no issues with knowing he wouldn't eat everything tonight (we wouldn't have let him even before T1D diagnosis). I thought it was sweet that Doug put both kids in their JDRF walk tshirts to go to sleep in :)

Ollie also had his 5th birthday last week. 

I can't believe that he's 5! It seems like that those pics on the bottom were just taken (2yrs, 3 and 2.5 in order)! He had an amazing day at Chuck E Cheese and his joint party (my nephew's birthday was yesterday, so we're having a joint party) is this weekend. He is so excited :D I love seeing experiences through the eyes of a kid. And no matter what, he's a kid first, diabetic second. I've recently found a group on Facebook that's amazing (if you're a T1D parent, shoot me a message and I can add you!) and it's nice to keep getting that reminder.

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