Wednesday, September 18, 2013

JDRF Walk for a Cure

Sunday was our JDRF walk. I am SO pleased to announce we raised $437!! It was a very busy and packed event. We got there early enough to walk around before the walk. We saw different pump sponsors, food booths (with carb counts listed!), games, bounce houses, an awesome band playing and TONS of people. We weren't really able to connect with anyone in particular, but I want to connect with some local D families.

Yesterday, my sister, nephew, Emi and Ollie and I went to the Smith Aquatic Center in Charlottesville. First of all, um, AWESOME place for little kids. Probably not so great for like, 7 and over. Second, Ollie was checking his BS in the locker room (yep, he's started doing it all by himself!) and a mom walked by and said "my little girl does that too" - she has an 8 year old whose been dx'ed with T1D for 6 years. It was nice to connect with another D mom even if only for a few minutes! 

Monday, September 9, 2013


Isn't it weird how things we acknowledged before now are in the forefront of our lives? I vaguely heard about the JDRF walks, saw the Diabetes support shoes and hands at Subway and other places.. now it's my life (although, by some weird work of fate, I've actually only tested Ollie's BS once in the last 48 hours!).

I'm really getting excited for our JDRF walk this weekend. I really hope Ollie enjoys it and can make a connection that he isn't the only one who has Diabetes. (Note to self: Start fundraising earlier in the year! Like, next month!)

Donate to The O-Team!

Monday, September 2, 2013

6 month Diaversary

So, we can officially say we survived 6 months of Diabetes.... 6 months?? It seems like a lifetime. I can't remember the last time I looked at food and didn't think about carb counts. I can't remember not worrying about ketones and highs, or lows. To to top it all off, Ollie now has a cavity (my theory is from correcting lows at night). These past six months (again, are we sure it's ONLY been 6 months??) have been a whirlwind of math, emotions and needles. Ollie has proven time and time again to be an amazing trooper through all of this. I can't imagine what he goes through - not only the testing and insulin, but the highs and lows. I've read that coming down from a high can make you feel sluggish and sick. The many times as he's gone high (or low) and come back in to range, I always try to let him relax, but there is no slowing him down.

Last week I signed us up for the local (well, most local to us) JDRF walk. I can't wait for Ollie to be around other T1D kids! I would love to find more local (like, really local, not an hour and a half away) kids and parents for us to be around, but I figure this is a start. Anyway, if you have the time, or resources, we would all love for you to check our page out - any step to curing Type 1 Diabetes is amazing to me.

The O Team (JDRF Walk)